Membership Rules and Code Of Conduct


The purpose of this Policy is to establish expectations, consistent rules, procedures and operating policies for the members of Cedarhurst Golf Club. It is the intent and goal of Cedarhurst to operate in a professional and efficient manner and to ensure an enjoyable golf experience for members and guests. The following provides important information about the golf course and clubhouse operation.
All matters pertaining to the operation of the golf course should be directed to the General Manager.


The golf season runs from May 1 to October 31, subject to weather conditions.


Prior to the start of the golf season the Board of Directors shall meet to determine the annual fees for the upcoming year. This information along with the options for payment will be distributed by email and posted on the website. All fees must be paid prior to the start of the golf season unless other arrangements have been made.


Membership is defined in the Club By-Laws to include Senior Member, Honourary Member, Intermediate Member, Junior Member, Clubhouse Member. Only Senior and Honourary Members are entitled to attend the Annual General Meeting and vote. Intermediate and Clubhouse Members may attend the Annual General meeting, but may not vote. Junior Members may not attend the Annual General Meeting.
The Club offers annual playing categories in addition to those listed above that are beyond the By-Law definitions. These offer the opportunity of playing at Cedarhurst without the benefits of full membership. Details on all annual rates are provided on the Membership page within this site. Annual players are entitled to use the facilities at Cedarhurst according to the privileges within their chosen annual option.
Memberships or other annual options are not assignable nor transferable.
From time to time the Club may offer promotions that are designed to encourage new members. Such incentives may take different forms such as a one-time fee reduction in August that includes the following year or other kinds of discounts. The Club may offer or withdraw these promotions at its discretion.


A request for a refund of annual fees must be made in writing to the General Manager.
Refunds will only be considered for medical or compelling personal reasons. The refund percentages are as follows:

Prior to April 30 – full refund or credit
May 1 to June 30 – 50% refund or credit
July 1 to August 15 – 25% refund or credit
After August 15 – No refund or credit
Promotions or incentives will be taken into consideration when considering refunds or credits.


Tee times are in effect throughout the playing season, generally at nine minute intervals, but subject to change. Members and Annual Players may book a tee time nine days in advance using the Tee Booking Tab on the bottom right of the Home screen. Additional information on tee time booking is provided within the booking system.
Players who book a tee time and do not advise the Pro Shop they will be unable to play are depriving others of the opportunity to play at that time. Repeated occurrences may result in sanctions.


Proper dress is required at all times. Unacceptable dress includes bathing attire, tank tops, T shirts, jeans with holes, clothing with offensive language or pictures. Soft spiked or spikeless golf shoes, sneakers or flat soled soles only are permitted.


Golf is a game that requires a certain standard of behaviour that reflects the basic standards of sportsmanship, integrity, courtesy and respect.
Without limiting the basic requirements as set out above, matters of conduct that reflect unfavourably on the game include the following:

  • Ill-mannered behaviour, club throwing, foul or abusive language.
  • Improper treatment of equipment.
  • Use of a golf club other than within the intentions of the game such as damaging tress, greens or other property.
  • Being disrespectful of course staff.
  • Discrimination based on race, sexual orientation, age or any related slurs.
  • Repeatedly ignoring rules.

All players are encouraged to immediately report inappropriate behaviour to the Pro Shop. Members and Annual Players shall not issue directives to staff or comment on work being done by a staff member. Any perceived issues with staff are to be reported immediately to the General Manager.
In the event of a Code of Conduct issue the Board will oversee any complaints, conduct an investigation, hold hearings and impose penalties in accordance with the Club By-Laws.

Depending on the seriousness of the infraction the Board may issue one of the following:

  • Verbal warning with notice on file.
  • Written warning.
  • Penalty of suspension.
  • Penalty of expulsion.


Food and drink must be purchased from the Restaurant or Food/Beverage Cart. No outside food or drinks are permitted with the exception of non-alcoholic drinks and/or personal snacks.


It is against the law to bring alcohol to the course. Cedarhurst staff are empowered to deny the right to play to anyone violating this rule. Violation of this rule will be subject to the penalties outlined in Code of Conduct above.


Golfers may practice at the Driving Range (upon paying the appropriate fee if required).
Members and Annual Players are free to use the Putting Green and the designated practice green adjacent to the 10th tee.
Practicing on the golf course is not permitted and this includes playing more than one golf ball, except as required by the Rules of Golf. At no time are golfers permitted to hit balls from other than designated practice areas.


A Driver’s Licence is required to operate a golf cart. A Golf Cart waiver is required as a condition of rental. Proper care must be taken to ensure that no damage is done to any part of the course or to the cart. Any damage caused by a player is the full responsibility of the player.
Carts may only be operated on the cart paths and fairways – never on teeing grounds, bunkers, treed areas or greens. Carts are limited to two players. Children may not be carried in the lap of an adult.
Reckless operation of a golf cart will result in penalties.


A round of golf should be played within four hours. Golfers are expected to be able to play a round within that time frame. Should a group not be able to maintain a proper pace of play the course reserves the right to have the group skip a hole to increase pace of play.


The Club is not responsible for personal property left unattended. This includes golf clubs, apparel, vehicles and any other personal property. The Club insurance policy does not cover personal property.


Members and Annual Players are not permitted behind the bar or in the kitchen area.


During the playing season there will be tournaments that require a current handicap. Anyone entering such a tournament must have a current handicap to qualify to play. To this end scores must be entered into the Golf Canada Handicap system on a regular basis. Entering back-dated scores just prior to a tournament is not acceptable.


Parking is only permitted in the designated parking areas.